A great new feature is available to Microsoft Dynamics GP users at no additional cost, the Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL). Prior to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and 2013, these tools were available by additional purchase, only. Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and 2013 makes them available – absolutely free – to both new and existing users. PSTL can be used throughout most modules.
One of the most commonly used tools is the Account Modifier/Combiner tool which allows users to map old GL accounts to new GL accounts. It can easily be accomplished through an Excel mapping file (one column for old, one column for new) and uploaded using the Software Administrator (SA) credentials when all users are out of the system.
If an account is setup incorrectly and not determined until posting to that account has occurred, the activity can be transferred to a new account number. In addition, as business needs change, the entire Chart of Accounts can be restructured. Account numbers and segments can be increased or decreased.
There is also the Vendor Modifier/Combiner, Customer Modifier/Combiner and Item Modifier/Combiner. It is very similar to the Account, but allows updating of Vendors, Customers and Item Numbers. These changes will be made throughout the database, including historical year data.
Overall, these tools are easy to use and can be downloaded and installed quickly. Contact Tridea Partners to learn more!
This article was written by Kaydee Baker, Dynamics GP Application Consultant for Tridea Partners. Tridea is a leading Microsoft Dynamics GP provider in Southern California.
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Professional Services Tools Library – Microsoft Dynamics GP
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